Intro to Molden

When I first took Intro to Molden & Woodstock as a college freshman in the early eighties, I remember thinking “wow, this is some heavy stuff!” It’s no surprise that this is the case for many students. This course was taught by the man who wrote the book.

As a member of the class that took Intro to Woodstock, I can honestly say I wasn’t really sure what to expect. After all, it’s been around for a while and has been around many times before. But I knew I wanted to try the course anyway and I had already read it so I figured I might as well give it a go. Besides, I thought it was always good to try new things to see how they would fit into my education and career.

And I was right! The class was actually very interesting and I loved it!

The class consisted of a few sections. The first section covered, how to prepare materials for molden and Woodstock projects and then dealt with things like sanding, cutting, painting, and staining. This is not your typical class in a traditional college as there were quite a few projects to complete that required a large amount of work.

My project in particular was on an antique chair that had a very basic level of repair and did not have the type of stain or varnish on it that is common to the style and design of antique furniture. Although it was still relatively simple, I was still able to use the techniques taught in class on this project.

There were a few other projects that I completed during the semester that involved staining or painting the same chair and then finishing it with a stain or paint. The lesson I found most helpful with regards to these projects was learning about the different types of stain or paint.

As you would expect, this class was much more geared toward the student that wanted to know more about molden and Woodstock, but was not interested in actually making their own. I think my major and passion in the class was to understand better the basics of these two styles, so I ended up taking more classes in other subjects. After graduation, I moved into the Department of Interior and Interiors at the University of Massachusetts and I am still going strong there.

In conclusion, I found that class to be very useful in that it taught me to be more creative in my own projects. and I did enjoy what I learned from the class.

Another aspect of this class that I found to be helpful was that the teacher took the time to answer questions from the students. I had a question about using the sandpaper for my project, and he answered it. I also learned that a project like this will require many coats of finish to protect the wood.

I found that he always went over the techniques in class with his students and discussed them with them when necessary. This added value because I learned a lot about what I could do myself and didn’t feel like the teacher was just trying to sell me something.

Overall, I think the class was quite helpful, especially for someone that was thinking about getting into woodworking. and making things on their own. I recommend it if you’re considering getting started in home improvement. projects.

I will also recommend this class to anyone who is starting out as an interior decorator because the class will cover all the basics, from stain and paint to staining and finishing. It’s a great place to get some practice in any area of the field.

I would definitely take the class again and I would strongly recommend it to someone else. If you are planning on learning more than one style of furniture or are ready to start doing more extensive projects, I would highly recommend it. and I will keep in touch with the professor for more information.